Quick launch Mobile App
What is Quick Launch mobile app?
The QuickLaunch App enables users to securely access organization-wide applications from a mobile device using a single set of credentials. When you log into QuickLaunch on your mobile phone, it will open all the Apps from the St. Augustine College SSO Porta. Instantly giving you access to Office 365, Canvas, Campus Connect, Helpdesk support and more.
Where can I Download Quick Launch Mobile?
Quick launch is available to download on iPhones through the AppStore and Android phones through Play Store.
QuickLaunch Mobile app looks like this:
Already downloaded? Great! Here are the next steps:
Open the app, then tap No, sign in instead.
Next, Type the Organization Name exactly as follows:
St. Augustine College
Then click Next.
Enter your username only and tap Next.
Note: If you are first time user you need to first set the account on a computer device. Once you complete the registration you can then continue on your mobile app.
Enter your SAC password. Then tap Sign in.
Once Signed in, you will have access to your St. Augustine College Apps: